
FUD – Balancing Scheduling Parameters Shared Computing Env

Short Servey of Production Grid Schedulers

A Survey on Scheduling Heuristics in Grid Comp Env

Approximate Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games

Fair scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of noncooperative mobiles

Approximation Algorithms for Average Stretch Scheduling

A Nash-Equilibrium based Algorithm for Scheduling Jobs on a Grid Cluster

The Price of Stability in Selfish Scheduling Games

Convergence Time to Nash Equilibrium in Load Balancing

The Effect of Heavy-Tail Distributions on Computer

Heavy tails partI

Heavy tails – partII

Heavy Tails – partIII

Heavy Tails – partIV

Docker Strategy


Nash Equilibrium Based Fairnessrouting

Flow control and fairness in networks

Fairness and Optimal Stochastic Control

The Price of Fairness

Container-based Operating System Virtualization

Openstack Ops Manual

Performance Evaluation of Container-based Virtualization


Fair scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of noncooperative mobiles

game-theory two person game

VAR grid model

Acceleration of VAR in FI

Exploration of Parallelization Frameworks FI

Efficient Monte Carlo methods for value-at-risk

Play and the evolution of fairness a game theory model Dugatkin

Competition in two-sided markets (1989)

Net Neutrality on the Internet A Two-Sided Market Analysis (2007)

Rate control in communication networks shadow prices, proportional fairness and stability

Net Neutrality and Quality of Service

Fairness and Assumptions of Economics

The Effect of Heavy-Tail Distributions on Computer

Fair Share on High Performance Computing Systems: What Does Fair Really Mean?

Analysis of SRPT Scheduling_ Investigating Unfairness

Proportional Share Scheduling in Single-Server and multi server

Lottery Scheduling – Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management

Fairness and Scheduling in Single Server Queues

Stride Scheduling

Fair Share Scheduler

Nash Equilibrium Based Fairness

Routing Flow control and fairness in networks


Fairness and Optimal Stochastic Control

Incorporating Fairness into Game Theory-Rabin

Hadoop summit Fair Scheduler

Dynamic Proportional Share Scheduling

Proportional Fairshare

Competition in two-sided markets (1989)

Rate control in communication networks shadow prices, proportional fairness and stability

Net Neutrality and Quality of Service

Net Neutrality on the Internet A Two-Sided Market Analysis (2007)

Fairness and Assumptions of Economics

Fairshare Scheduling – A Case Study

Theory and Practice in Parallel job scheduling

Scheduling and Packing Malleable and Parallel Tasks

Algo for scheduling Malleable and Nonmalleable tasks

Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Malleable Tasks

Hierarchical scheduling strategies for parallel tasks and advanc reservations in grids

Design and Analysis of Pipelined Broadcast Algorithms for the All-Port Interlaced Bypass Torus Networks

Scheduling Independent Tasks on Metacomputing Systems

Parallel Job Scheduling Policies to Improve Fairness: A Case Study

Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality

PBS: a unified priority-based scheduler

Interlacing Bypass Rings to Torus Networks for More Efficient Networks

Analysis of Linpack and power efficiencies of the world’s TOP500 supercomputers

An analysis of the topological properties of the interlaced bypass torus (iBT) networks

Eigenanalysis-Based Task Mapping on Parallel Computers with Cellular Networks

Energy-aware parallel task scheduling in a cluster

Energy-Efficient Scheduling on Milliclusters with Performance Constraints

Nash equilibria: Complexity, symmetries, and approximation

On the Price of Anarchy of Restricted Job Scheduling Games

Research Challenges for Enterprise Cloud Computing

Workflow Scheduling Algorithms for Grid

Trends in Scheduling SC13 Birds of a feather

Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing

Performance of a Supercomputer build with Commodity Compoments

Batch Scheduling based on QOS in HPC – A SurveyReshmi

Analysis of Linpack and power efficiencies of the world top 500 computers

A survey on resource allocation in high performance distributed computing

A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center

Truthful algorithms for scheduling selfish tasks

Scheduling Selfish Tasks

A Comparison of Eleven Static Heuristics for Task scheduling

A Nine Year Study of File System Storage

A Taxonomy of Scheduling in General-Purpose Distributed Systems

A Comparison of Eleven Static Heuristics for Task scheduling

A Taxonomy and Survey of Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud based on Task Dependency

A Study of Various Job & Resource Scheduling Algo in Grid

Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing


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